2025 New Year Vision
Here we are in 2025. A quarter of a century. A fresh year to restart goals and refresh vision. I am dreaming a little bigger and casting vision a little further in my life this year. I’m asking myself, what are my personal and business dreams, not just for the next 6-12 months but for the next 5-10 years and beyond. These dreams allow me to begin to process practical goals and daily habits that are needed to steer me towards those dreams. (One of my 2024 inspirations for goal setting was Atomic Habits by James Clear. I highly recommend it if you are making any new year goals or resolutions!) So, with my long-term dreams stirring in my heart, what is my 2025 New Year Vision? For both personal and business life, I have an overarching theme to grow in teaching/public speaking. As mentioned in last week's article on my 2024 review, I had several opportunities to teach for ministry at our church, Lighthouse Christian Fellowship as well as for my business through Postpartum classes and the Symposium at Houghton College. Through all those events, I was rediscovering the passion for preparing a message/class and the reward of delivering it to an excited and engaging audience. This will be my focus for the new year. To grow in these teaching opportunities I have to be strategic with my time for two reasons. First, my time is limited as I continue to choose to be a stay at home mom (or a domestic engineer as some moms like to say.) While at home, I love being a homemaker and providing optimal nutrition for my family through homemade sourdough bread, kefir, yogurt, fruits of gardening and more. This is where I put into practice all that I “preach” to my clients. Secondly, this year is a transitional season for us as Pavel will step into the senior pastor position at Lighthouse in May. This will bring change to our family in many ways. We anticipate wonderful things ahead but there are certainly many unknowns as our schedule and lifestyle shifts. Therefore, I have chosen to not take on any private clients for nutrition for the next 6-8 months. Instead, I will be focusing my time on teaching nutrition classes. (Stay tuned for the upcoming class schedule for the next few months!) I will also have the opportunity to begin teaching a monthly ladies Bible study at Lighthouse in February. It will be a rich year of pouring into many through these teaching opportunities. I will continue to be a researcher and writer on nutrition–producing monthly content in the Sun and for my blog. And keep you updated on exciting life transitions as God leads and blesses our family. I would love to hear from you readers! What are some dreams and goals you are intentionally pursuing for the year 2025? How are they building off the things you grew in in 2024 and helping you pursue longer term dreams and vision? As always, I also welcome any nutrition questions you have!