Merry Christmas Alfred Sun readers! I hope this article finds you cozy and warm, happy with family, and baking lots of healthy Christmas cookies! Today I am not writing you a nourishing Christmas recipe, like Ginger Molasses Cookies or Homemade Hot Cocoa. (Check out my website for these resources if I am making your mouth water!) Instead, I want to send a Christmas greeting from my home to yours.
Pavel, Zhana, and I couldn’t be more happy and blessed this season. This is Zhana’s first Christmas, and as she nears her first birthday she is full of wonder at the world! Her imagination comes alive at Christmas lights and snow falling outside. She rocks to Christmas music playing in the background. She fills our home with giggles as we spend family time together in our cozy home. God has blessed us. He has given us Zhana, He has given us health, and so much more.
But all these blessings don’t even compare to the gift God gave us through His son Jesus Christ two thousand years ago. Jesus was not born simply to be a presence of God on earth—teach good messages and heal the sick. His purpose was so MUCH more–to pay the price for our wrong choices and make a way for us to have intimate relationship with God, our Creator and Father. Emmanuel, the name that means “God with us” demonstrates how Jesus was not only present with the Jews 2,000 years ago, but is with us now if we will make Him our Savior and Lord of our life.
The intimacy with God is the most amazing thing in the world. He knows my heart, my desires and longings, more than anyone–even Pavel who loves me so well. He brings me delight and joy more than anyone–even Zhana, who I couldn’t love more dearly. More than all the treasures of this world, Jesus surpasses them all!
May your home be full of His peace and may the wonder of this season, God born in the flesh through Jesus, bless and refresh your hearts as you celebrate together! Merry Christmas!